If you have lots of jobs and sources of income it can be hard to figure out what counts as freelance — what part is taxed, what part isn’t, and all the different ways this stuff is categorized. We’re here to help!
You're earning freelance income for work you're doing, but without a formal structure like an LLC or Corporation, are you actually a business?
There are a lot of rumors out there about how to avoid paying taxes on income from self-employment. But you definitely don't want to rely on urban legends when filing your taxes. We'll help you get it right.
This is a very common question, and thankfully, there's a very easy answer for freelancers.
You don't need an LLC or Corporation to be a business. And there aren't always tax advantages for freelancers to forming them. We'll help you figure out if it's gonna make a difference on your taxes.
It's common business advice that the tax structure of an S Corp can help save money on taxes. But is that true for you?
If you're going out of business or want to change the kind of business entity you're using, we've put together some basic information on how to close down your S-Corporation. These instructions are specific to New York.
How to start, register, and stay current with your New York LLC.
So, you opted to create an LLC, you did all the paperwork, it now officially exists. What do you need to do to keep it going? We've got some helpful tips below.
When you're a freelancer, you're operating a business, whether or not you have a formalized business structure. And in many major cities and some states in the US, that means you'll have to pay local business taxes. We've got some info to help you out below.
A step-by-step guide for registering AND filing your annual tax exemption.
Starting January 1, 2024, there is a new federal law that requires companies (including LLCs) to file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report. It's free and you only have to do it once for each company (assuming the address of your biz doesn't change), but the fines are high if you miss it, so don't forget to do this.